
Sunday 29 March 2009

Myspace Magic: The Scholars

The latest band to appear in the Myspace Magic section hail from the Midlands. If groups like Editors, The Cinematics or The National take your fancy, then you will definitely like this quintet; a quick visit to their myspace page will soon make you see why. Having been in touch with them recently and on backing them on their Road to V, NME-E was ablew to chat to the lads and find out a bit more about this more than interesting bunch. Here's what they had to say:

NME-E: Who are you and how did you come about?
Sch: The Scholars spawned from the songwriting of brothers Adrian and Chris Gillet, forming the basis of vocals, bass and guitars. From the ashes of previous bands, Adam Clarke became the drummer shortly after a few songs were written. We went into the studio to produce a 10 track demo in January of 2008. We didn't really start working seriously until about April of 2008 - we soon expanded into a quintet due to the constraints of live performance. Thanks to friendships and connections Tim Mobbs became rhythm guitarist in April 2008 and Josh Herring became keyboardist in November 2008 and have gigged extensively for almost a year.

NME-E:Tell us about your releases to date?

Sch: Our initial recording in the studio is called 'Turbulence'. It is a 10 track demo to showcase what we are capable of rather than a conventional album. Saying this, the debut album is in the works as we have written more songs and the summer months will hopefully be the time to record.

NME-E: If you could choose a band/artist to support you, who would it be?

Sch: Our favourite band at the moment are The National, although we'd be more than happy to support them! We're also big fans of Scottish rock outfit The Cinematics - incredible band!

I couldn't agree more about their analysis of The Cinematics. Personally, I think the Scots are far superior to The National. 'A Strange Education' blew me a way and I strongly recommend to anyone who hasn't heard it to get a copy.

NME-E: What's your favourite album at the moment?
Sch: Some disagreement, but the general consesus is as follows: 'To Lose My Life' - White Lies 'Tonight' - Franz Ferdinand 'The Boxer' - The National

OK, will go with that, although White Lies is a bit patchy and I'd put The Cinematics ahead of The National. White Lies and Franz Ferdinand have both been reviewed on nme-e.

NME-E: Finally, what are your objectives/prospects for next 12 months?

Sch: The next 12 months will be pretty big for us. We're tweaking and finalising the songs that we are going to use for our debut album, have a gig packed summer, a battle of the bands final coming up in May, headline slots as we progress, a website on the way, recording to look forward to and a record deal would be wonderful.

On top of all that, they have the honour of entering into the NME-E hall of myspace fame!

A big thanks to The Scholars. Please give them some support and visit their myspace page. If you like their sound you can back them on the Road To V too.

Last 5 NME-E Interviews:
Meeting Of Important People (Pittsburgh, USA)
Overspill Poets (NW, UK)
Fare Evaders (Liverpool, UK)
Its A Buffalo (Manchester, UK)
The Trestles (Liverpool, UK)

Read all NME-E interviews